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Blog subscribers, Bloglines, and geographical locations

I use Bloglines for my feed reading for the usual server-based reasons (multi-platform, no need to sync, etc.) and for a lark I thought I'd check out Ideamatt subscribers. One aspect of the results that was interesting was that some people include their weather in their subscriptions. (Bloglines provides this as a special feed.) Here are those that had a Bloglines weather subscription, and the place:I thought this was pretty cool because it provides some personalization (in addition to the feeds they subscribe to, of course). What I'd like to see from sites like Blogger and Bloglines is a push-pin map showing locations (e.g., who's blogging from where). The visualizations could be ala Tufte (e.g., scale states based on number of bloggers), and could include a zoom feature like the ultra cool zipcode applet. Of course after a little digging I found some sites that combine blogging and geographical location (listed below), but I'd love to hear from someone actively thinking this.


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