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A Problem in GTD Blog Land?

I read two interesting posts today regarding the large number of GTD-related blogs, and both asked whether there are too many low quality ones written by amateurs (What I'd like to see from GTD sites and Let's Talk About The GTD Hype). First, I'll say that I think it's healthy for a community to question itself - the introspection can lead to growth, and, for me, lead me to think about what I'm doing ("What's the successful outcome?"). For me (a productivity coach-in-training) writing helps me:
  • more deeply understand my new field,
  • get feedback from other coaches/thinkers, and
  • offer a body of work for current and prospective clients.
I believe one of the most powerful aspects of blogs is just what some of the commenters disliked - almost anyone (well, anyone with time, a computer, and a net hookup, which eliminates a good portion of the U.S.) can say her piece. Be they CAT blogs, BOSS blogs, or VIRAL blogs, they all give a voice to the author, which can help one liberate and develop. In my case, I write because I've found myself irresistibly drawn to this field, and I've been swept up with the idea of exploring coaching. Writing helps me answer these questions:
  1. Do I enjoy it?
  2. Am I good at it?
  3. Does it help others?, and
  4. Is there a market for it?
(in that order). The bottom line is this: Allen's methodology has helped me tremendously; it has captured my imagination, has exposed me to something that's pulling me along (instead of being pushed by me), and I'm fully enjoying the process. Does my blog add to the "noise" level? Sure! Is it authoritative? I'm trying (I have my esteemed peers). But basically I'm having fun and I'm learning a lot about myself. What more could a blogger ask for?

Reader Comments (5)

right on, matt!

September 22, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

The GTD phenomenon is interesting and is similar I believe to any community focused on a methodology/system of thought etc. I have several "gurus" that I follow. I recommend these resouces to all who will listen. I of course share my experiences and my favourite points with others. I also blog some of these. Does this make me an expert? (as you ask) No, but I'm further down the track than someone just being exposed to the information for the first time. There seems to be a blurred line for me between being a self proclaimed evangelist and a coach. Perhaps this is a new label one can adopt, kind of like designers and developers who become "deselopers". Maybe you are an "evangeloach" Matt :)

October 2, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterBlair

Thank you for your helpful thoughts, Blair. Indeed I've apparently "crossed over" the line to "evangeloach" (I love your new terms - is anyone from Webster listening?)


October 2, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew Cornell

The only person that is really making any money on the GTD phenomenon is David. He sells more books, sells more Outlook plug-ins and sells more PDF files.

I admit GTD has helped me derive my own life management system, along with [ 43Folders | http://www.43folders.com ] and the HipsterPDA. These tools and ideas have made my life better.

I'm not a life coach nor do I want to be a life coach, and I hope you can make money being a coach, but in reality, you're ability to help people better their life has nothing to do with David Allen and everything to with your personality and ability to bring people to action. I wish you success in your efforts.

October 7, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterThom

Thanks for your comments, thom. I'm slowly learning what you apparently have some experience with - the personal side of coaching, which may be actually be *most* of it (as you point out). Deeply appreciated.

P.S. Love the [ site | http://thomallen.com/blog/default.aspx ] - looks great

October 7, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew Cornell

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