Some GTD warning signs

As I've continued my practice of David Allen's Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology (and helped others adopt it) I've occasionally noticed some signs of falling behind. I wanted to share a few of them, and ask what others you've come across in your implementation [1]. In no particular order:
So what do you think - what warning signs have you seen?
P.S. A hearty congratulations to David Allen for "Getting Things Done" making it to the top of BusinessWeek's Best-Seller List - via Eric Mack. Thanks very much for your contribution!
[1] Readers interested in a positive summary might enjoy Mark Wieczorek's Ready To Test For Your Belt?
- "Cobwebby" mind (needs a sweeping).
- "Doing" while processing (unless 2 minute or less) - beware rabbit holes.
- "To file" or "Pending" trays.
- A lonely labeler.
- Calendar entries that don't absolutely have to be done that day.
- Collection points getting too big or old.
- Haven't done a weekly review in "a while."
- Keeping anything in your head (i.e., notice if something's bugging you).
- Next Actions that are out of date, too big, vague, not getting done, or that repel (check out Does this "next action" belong someplace else?).
- Not following the Processing & Organizing Diagram for your "stuff."
- Not using system daily, or not trusting it.
- Orphan papers (loose, with no home), or piles.
- Packed or unattractive file drawers (e.g., messy labels or old folders).
- Project list out of date - projects not listed, including problems (Allen says "anything that's a problem is a project").
- Putting off decisions, instead of making them when stuff enters your life.
- Relying on any of the following as reminders: project support folders, sticky notes, printouts, or loose notes. (Only use Calendar and Next Action lists.)
- Remembering to do something without looking at your Next Actions lists (e.g., recalling who to call when not looking at @calls).
- The existence of stealth projects - projects masquerading as Next Actions.
So what do you think - what warning signs have you seen?
P.S. A hearty congratulations to David Allen for "Getting Things Done" making it to the top of BusinessWeek's Best-Seller List - via Eric Mack. Thanks very much for your contribution!
[1] Readers interested in a positive summary might enjoy Mark Wieczorek's Ready To Test For Your Belt?
Reader Comments (11)
Sometimes I look at my project folders and next actions lists and think "Urgh..!" before ignoring them and doing something completely different. The main time I notice this is when I'm at home. 99% of everything I do is PC based and whilst I have separate at work/at home lists I really don't want to go near my organiser at home, it's too easy to start thinking about work.
That's interesting, Katy. Sounds like there's a lot going on here...
Great list,Matt. I have the last-but-one problem. I know what to do without looking at my NA list. And sometimes, things don't even make my NA list, they go straight to my dailies. I also notice I don't do any calender actions that same day. Major leaks in my system these two. Need to patch 'em up!
Thanks for the comment, Jetru.
> sometimes, things don't even make my NA list
Same here! Althought I don't keep a daily to-do list (if that's what "dailies" means). I'd be interested in hearing more about them.
When I first started GTD, the next action list killed me. It didn't work for me at all. I found myself doing next actions and nothing much else. So I now break down my projects and like I posted here last week, do work on about 3 big projects a day.
Is anyone else overwhelmed by the longer GTD lists like me? Mine gets around 175 and hovers there...it's quite overwhelming and I find myself looking at my list less frequenly than when I just kept 2 dozen tasks on it.
Matt, how do you normally recommend someone get over this overwhelmed feeling?
> overwhelmed by the longer GTD lists
That's a great question, brad. It's big enough to be a separate post by itself, but here are a few tips from the davidco forums, to try to help:
o make a temporary list for the day to help focus
o move some items to Someday/Maybe
o make sure actions are really do-able
o focus on projects (and their actions)
o limit your NAs - are all important?
o only list the very next action for projects, not parallel ones
o hire help
o block off an hour or two on your calendar, put your phone on voice mail, and just attack your list
Hope that helps!
Here's one-
Today at work I placed a file on my desk (towards the front), and I heard something else fall off the back side! maybe time for a GTD brush-up.
Tom, that's a great one! It's funny to me because I have a gap at the back of my desk, which leaves a small space for files to *perfectly* fit, but not hands/arms!
hehe...I've been keeping my desk pretty clean here lately..so I'm not going to jinx it by laughing too loud at your falling files
Number 1 for me is finding too many files sitting on my computer's desktop. [ My system | http://christianbusinessman.blogspot.com/2006/02/tame-your-computer-files.html ] for computer files mandates that there be no loose files floating around. As a programmer I tend to save everything to the desktop first and then move it to where it belongs. If I get too caught up in my projects the desktop can become a disaster.
Number 2: My "daily" to-do list is used for more than one day...
> too many files sitting on my computer's desktop
That's a good one, Justin. Here are a few posts about it:
Productivity Tip: Throw everything on your desk in a box
GTD 2006.26: Clear your desktop, clear your mind
> My "daily" to-do list is used for more than one day...
A classic! I also found this happening, and dropped doing it. I think it *can* work, if it's truly daily...
Thanks for reading!