My Happiness Of Science podcast with Jason Womack is up

As a little exercise, Jason Womack and I talked a bit about my book on treating life as an experiment. Jason has a positive perspective on living, which helped our conversation cover some fertile ground. It's a little under ten minutes - hopefully short enough to warrant a listen - and I'd love your feedback.
Questions For You
- What do think of it?
- How was the duration - too long, too short, or just right?
- Would you like to have more podcasts?
- Do you like the topic (life as experiment), and do you want to see more of it here?
- Do you like the embedded mp3 player, or is a straight link to the mp3 file adequate?
(P.S. Thanks to Stephen Smith for the embedded player code.)
Reader Comments (2)
I liked the podcast, nice job. The length was great (not too long). The subject was appropriate (given it is your blog). The embedded MP3 player worked flawlessly for me (under Firefox on Windows XP). The most surprising thing for me was the amount of questions you asked Jason. It was more of a conversation between 2 peers than someone interviewing someone about their upcoming book.
Thanks a ton, Jim. That helps a lot. And yes, I'm genuinely curious about this stuff, and everyone has a story - who among us hasn't treated life this way, at least in some respects? I know you've made some major changes, and those do not come cheap. Or without discomfort - they're big experiments.