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A Blast from the past & A little shout out

Apologies for the delayed post - I've been out of town on personal and business trips, I'm preparing for up-coming workshops and one-on-one work, plus continuing my switch to the Mac (!), so a short post this week.

A few blasts from the past

For my new readers, here are a few past posts you may not have seen:

Lots of GTD-related posts

Some GTD-related articles you might not have seen:

Shout Out

I always enjoy hearing success stories and good news from friends and readers, so here's a little tip of the hat.
Have some recent good news of your own to share? Let me know!

Reader Comments (11)

He wasn't looking for just people on the web (in fact he had a TV series about the search here in the UK) but you might be thinking of [ Dave Gorman? | http://www.davegorman.com/projects_are_you_dave_gorman.html ]

February 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAdrian McEwen

Oh, and I don't know if it quite classes as good news, but recently I've been working on my [ A-Z of Personal Productivity | http://www.mcqn.com/weblog/a-z_personal_productivity_introduction ] series, which you might like to read.

February 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAdrian McEwen

Why are you switching to Mac, Matt? Or Matt, Mac? :)

Jeff H -- Texas

February 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJhunter

Thanks for the mention Matt.

February 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

Adrian: Thanks a bunch - I think Adrian Gorman is it! Your A-Z is a great idea. Well done.

Jeff: > Why are you switching to Mac, Matt? Or Matt, Mac? :)

These things converted me to Mac: 1) Apps don't crash the
OS. 2) Installing most apps is *safe*. Finally, the clincher was
Vista. It's an OS that no one wants - bloated, slower, expensive,
confusing. It's so bad most people demanded new computers come with
the previous version! With the Mac, people *love* updates, and they're easy.

That said, lots of growing pains. E.g.,

Power user keystrokes: Taking time, and not all available.

Finder inconsistencies: surprising, given their UI reputation.

The help system is weak in some ways.

Quicken and MS Office 2008 are very disappointing, surprisingly. PowerPoint in particular is missing the more useful "Send To Word" feature found in Windows. I think this is because it also does not support VisualBasic, which the former appears to be written in. And copying two images in PP and pasting into Word gives an "out of memory" error on my 2GB RAM MacBook Pro...

Address book is buggy and weak. Major disappointment.

No good equivalent to WebDrive. MacFUSE is slow and way too unstable.

Keystroke nuttiness, esp. in Aquamacs. Taking too long for muscle memory to form.

But, BIG: Spotlight just plain rocks. It Works. Period. Brilliant.

February 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew Cornell

Matt: Thanks for the info! I've been "wanting" to switch to Mac for years; being in the architecture field I love all things visual -- especially Mac's GUI ... but there still seems to be a huge chasm betwixt ... I'll keep researching, and thanks again.

Cheers from Texas.

Jeff H

March 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJhunter

Jeff: You're welcome. I was a real soul-searcher, but I'm happy I did it. I must say, [ Parallels | http://www.parallels.com/ ] has saved the day twice: Running Windows versions of Quicken and PowerPoint.

March 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew Cornell

I got a package once for another Lisa Braithwaite, who lives in another state, so that was weird. We e-mailed back and forth a couple of times. Hers is her married name, though, so I wasn't quite as excited to "meet" her. I know there are a few others around, but I've never introduced myself.

I love the Dave Gorman story!

You have a friend named Taco? How cool a name is that?

March 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLisa Braithwaite

Hey Lisa - good story. And yes, Taco it is!

March 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew Cornell

Hi Matt, i thought you are a linux guy (according to your excellent "My Big-Arse Text File" arcticle). At which time have you switched to Vista - and are you still using emacs for your Text File ?

I really enjoy your blog, so keep on blogging ;-)

-- George Hay

March 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGeorge Hay

Hey George - thanks a ton for reading. Re: Linux, you probably know that [ Mac OS X | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_os_x ] has a unix-like OS under the hood, so it's quite comfortable. So tools like [ Aquamacs: Emacs for Mac OS X | http://aquamacs.org/ ] are readily available. Big arse continues!

Re: Vista, never actually used, but I trust the word on the street.

I really enjoy your blog, so keep on blogging ;-) Much obliged. Posts have slowed down temporarily, but I'll ramp up again once the current batch of consulting is over.

March 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew Cornell

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