Madelon Young, 1928-2009

My dear mom passed away this morning from chronic heart and lung disease. She was a heck of a trooper throughout her illness, right up to the end. No complaints, kept her sense of humor, and always said thank you, even when she could barely talk. I'm proud of her.
She was a great mom and I'll miss her a bunch.

Reader Comments (31)
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. My condolences and prayers to you and your family at this time.
My father died last week, so I can appreciate what you are experiencing. It will take a while to dull the ache of the loss, but the time spent with family remembering and celebrating his life was a great experience.
I trust that the memory of your mother and what she meant to you will bring you comfort and strength in this time of grieving. God bless!
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, Matthew. My mom died about 2 1/2 years ago, so I have at least an inkling of what you're going through.
It sounds like she was quite a lady, and you had a wonderful relationship with her. How wonderful to have all those good memories.
Matt, so sorry to hear of your loss. You and your family will be in my prayers.
Deepest condolences Matt.
Deepest condolences Matt
My wife lost both parents in the last year and I know it isn't easy. My thoughts & prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time, Matthew.
I am very sorry to learn about your mom's passing. It doesn't matter how old (or young) or how sick someone you loved was; the pain from their passing hurts deeply. Just remember all the good times you shared with her and know she'll always be watching over you.
My condolences.
My deepest sympathies to you and your family, Matt. JP in Maryland.
Dear Matt
I found your blog via another one I subscribe too
I ve not read anything else of your blog apart from this
Sorry for your loss
may God give you the strength
to stand tall during this difficult time
With deepest sympathy
I was catching up on my blog reading tonight so this is arriving somewhat late. I was saddened to see that your Mom had passed. I think parents are always teaching, in life, and in passing. You would not have been so proud had she still not been teaching to the end. Stay strong my friend.
Sympathies to you and your family, Matt.
I came across your web site for the first time while reading Bob Walsh's book tonight. I am deeply saddened by the passing of your mom. May God bless you and your family during this time.
my deepest sympathies to you and your family. It's a terrible thing to go through, made only slightly more bearable, I'm sure, by your wonderful support network.
Ewen Cameron Millar
My prayers are with you and your family.
I'm glad to see you're taking time off from blogging to grieve and process your loss. So sorry to hear of your mom's passing... Sending you warm thoughts today.
Thanks so much, everyone. My blog commenting system was broken, so I didn't see these until today, which is fine - I'm up and down without much pattern. It's a real honor having you here; thank you.
I'm sorry to hear about your father, Ian. Thank you for sharing - it helps to hear others' stories.
Thank you, Jeri.
Thank you, Dwayne.
Thanks for the insight, Peter.
Thanks for that, John, and for reading. This is not my typical post, naturally.
Davey, your comment means so much to me - thank you. Your insight is helpful, and right on. It's good to hear from you, friend.
Thank you for that, Fred, and for showing up here. I'm glad to have you.
I appreciate that, ECM. My support has been amazing - just look at the comments here. I'm humbled.
Thank you, Tessa.