Not Doing Rudux: Check Out the Latest Success Magazine

Just a quick note that you might enjoy the new Success Magazine article The Productivity Dilemma: To Do or Not to Do?. The author and I had a great time talking about the idea of not doing, including Jim Collins' idea of a Stop Doing list (from Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't). Related: Do, Don't Do, Stop Doing.
Following are some other stories in their business category that you might like. Cheers!
Following are some other stories in their business category that you might like. Cheers!
- David Allen: Tips on Time Management
- Time = Money | 2010-01-04
- Profiles in Greatness: Benjamin Franklin | 2010-01-03
- 1-on-1: Achieve Your Goals
- I Have Time
- Always Running Late
- 1-on-1: Stay Focused
- David Allen: It's Not About Time
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