A Self-Tracking Operating System for Your Brain?

As a Science Fiction fan I was excited to come across the MindHacks article Towards an operating system for brain hacking, which describes an article on "brain coprocessor" technology (Technology Review: Brain Coprocessors). This made me think of implications for the Quantified Self movement. Consider:
Miniature, implantable brain coprocessors might be able to support new kinds of personalized medicine, for example continuously adapting a neural control strategy to the goals, state, environment, and history of an individual patient
So on the data tracking side of the Experiment-Driven Life we would have lots of possible measurements for experimentation. This is important when talking about experiments involving our bodies because there are many complex factors that may be relevant to identifying patterns, but we need guidance to know where to start (see my post Variables). Throwing lots of data at ourselves might not be a useful strategy, but new approaches in finding correlations may yield fruit (see The End of Theory: The Data Deluge Makes the Scientific Method Obsolete). Importantly, you'd want to merge internal measurements with context, such as location and social interactions.
More profoundly, not only are we talking about discovering data about ourselves, but about being able to alter brain dynamics. Talk about possible experiment ideas.
The final point is about security concerns, which could take "mind hacks" to a whole different level. (For some fascinating stories about implantable devices and threats, check out Kevin Fu's talks, which include his being able to convince a pacemaker to possibly kill the patient - controlled from outside the body.)
I'm curious: What do you think? What other ways might this kind of data be used for experimentation? Would you get a cognitive coprocesser installed?
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