My interview at AccessRx Health Blog is up

I answered some productivity questions for the folks at the Accessrx Blog. While initially I was wary of their request - I don't know anything about online prescriptions - the questions were tasty, so I went for it. As the man said, "Any lovin' is good lovin'." My answers are at Interview with Productivity Consultant Matthew Cornell. Following are the questions. Enjoy!
- You have an e-book available titled "Where the !@#% Did My Day Go?" In your opinion, where DOES the day go for most people?
- What kinds of things are at stake if a person does not take personal productivity seriously and work to improve their time management habits?
- How can a person who is easily distracted best regain focus and concentrate on the tasks at hand?
- What advice do you give to people who have 100 irons in the fire at any given time and think that every single one of those items is important?
- What time of day is most effective for pre-planning? Should one plan their day the night before, first thing that morning, or even sooner than that?
- What is the foremost rule a person looking to maximize productivity should live by?
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